Announcing the ShoutOut Podcast: ShoutOut ListenIn

On a black background, white text reading LGBTQIA+ Podcast, with the ShoutOut logo (a blue loudspeaker) projecting rainbow rays. Underneath it the words Listen In - announcing the ShoutOut ListenIn podcast.

Announcing the ShoutOut Podcast:
ShoutOut: ListenIn!

ShoutOut: ListenIn is a brand new podcast series from ShoutOut, a charity committed to improving life for LGBTQ+ people by sharing personal stories and delivering educational workshops in schools and workplaces on LGBTQ+ issues. With this series ShoutOut continues its work shouting out and educating about all things LGBTQ+. We hear from LGBTQ+ educators and others about their experiences and the state of play of LGBTQ+ education in Ireland and further afield, among them some of ShoutOut's own volunteers, founders and friends.

Click here to listen to the teaser!
Episode 1

In this episode, we go back to the early days of ShoutOut - where, how, why and when the charity and its group of hardworking volunteer founders came together. We look back to 2012 and how things were for the queer community in Ireland then and chat to Declan Meehan, Eoin Ó Liatháin and Spencer Christie, some of our founders and earliest volunteers who share their experiences of ShoutOut, past and present and their hopes for ShoutOut’s future. The discussion is hosted by ShoutOut Executive Director, Aifric Ní Chríodáin and Steering Committee member, Lisa Nic an Bhreithimh.

Listen and subscribe to Episode 1 on Spotify, Deezer, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Student Teachers: Lesson Plan Competition!

Student Teachers! It’s Competition Time!

We want you to create a lesson plan or series of lesson plans (three max) that give students the chance to integrate LGBTQIA+ role models, questions and experiences across different curricular areas, including English, Gaeilge, Mathematics, History, Geography, Science, CSPE, Religious Education, French, German, Spanish etc.


Overall winner €150, 2nd Prize €100, 3rd Prize €50  One4All vouchers.

Other lesson plans may be selected as examples of BEST practice, GOOD practice etc and made available to schools as part of our educational resources bank.

Please note: 

  • Entry into this competition automatically gives consent to use your entry in part or in full within the next 12 months. Credit will be given & contributors will be acknowledged. 

  • If you have created 2 or 3 lesson plans this does not give you automatic advantage over someone who has created one.

  • This competition is limited to student teachers currently enrolled in Initial Teacher Eduxation.

Entries will be judged on:

  • Links to the curriculum (20 marks)

  • overall quality of the work (35 marks)

  • creativity and originality (35 marks) and

  • Use of Primary Sources other than the above, ie newspaper articles, photographs, posters, flyers (10 marks)

Steps to Success:

  1. Browse the recommended resources above

  2. Explore the theme of LGBTQIA+ inclusion in different subject areas/your chosen subject area. 

  3. Use the lesson plan template you are familiar with from your own institution.

  4. Use the competition assessment guide below (Appendix 1) in your planning.  

  5. Please use the entry form below to upload your lesson plans and any other attachments. Please save and attach any documents in the following format: Name (title of doc) eg Hilary Egan (Lesson Plan 1). 

  6. Closing date for entries is 5 pm Friday, 27 May 2022. 

  7. Winners will be announced before the end of June, 2022.

By taking part in this competition, you will: 

  1. Have your skills at lesson planning recognised by a leading national charity committed to LGBTQ+ inclusion. 

  2. Have the chance to develop innovative lesson plans on LGBTQ+ inclusion that you can bring to your own classroom. 

  3. Have your work and name credited in all resources and publications arising from this competition. 

  4. Professionally collaborate with a leading national charity committed to LGBTQ+ inclusion.

  5. Be able to speak to this experience in attending future job/placement interviews. 

  6. Have the chance to win spot prizes at the value of €150, €100, and €50!

Any queries? Email

Click “ENTRY FORM” to enter now!

Introducing our new Executive Director!

PHOTO by DONAL TALBOT. ID: Ruadhán leans against a red wall, wearing a green shirt and smiling.

Get in touch with Ruadhán:

Be a part of ShoutOut’s mission:

Introducing our new Executive Director,

Ruadhán Ó Críodáin

ShoutOut is delighted to announce the successful conclusion of our recruitment process for a new Executive Director and the appointment of Ruadhán Ó Críodáin to the role.

Ruadhán comes to the role with a wealth of experience in activism, development, and communications across the education and arts sectors. Ruadhán has been a part of ShoutOut in various capacities since its foundation, beginning as a student volunteer and graphic designer, and since 2019 as Development Manager.

As Executive Director, Ruadhán will lead ShoutOut into its second decade and continue our work advancing LGBTQI+ inclusion through education in schools, workplaces, sports clubs, and other organisations. ShoutOut will continue to work to develop networks of empowered, passionate allies, and build inclusive and safe spaces for all LGBTQI+ people. LGBTQI+ people still face stigma and discrimination, and we will continue to fight against that in all spaces through education and storytelling of our lived experiences. In the coming years, we will grow and expand our offering to further support schools to end homophobic, biphobic, transphobic & interphobic bullying against LGBTQI+ students, and deepen our workplace programmes to offer companies and capacity-cuilding recipients all the tools they need to build inclusive cultures and services.

Speaking about the role, Ruadhán said:

“ShoutOut has grown so much over the past ten years, thanks to the wonderful people within the organisation; our dedicated volunteers and Steering Committee, our small but hard-working staff team, and our supportive Board of Directors. We’ve been helped every step of the way by schools, workplaces, supporters, and funders who have promoted our mission of LGBTQI+ inclusion through education. We wouldn’t be here without them. I’ve been incredibly lucky to be a part of that story, and it’s a privilege to take on this role and work with these teams to continue our work ensuring that schools and broader society are LGBTQI+ inclusive. I’m looking forward to bringing ShoutOut into a new phase in our second decade, working strategically with our volunteers and team to ensure schools are fully equipped to end homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic bullying for good. If you’re seeking to make your school or workplace more inclusive, we’re here for you.

There’s still so much hostility in the world towards LGBTQI+ people - particularly our trans, non-binary, and intersex siblings - and so much of it is fed by misinformation and an absence of inclusive education. Ireland has shown before that we care deeply about our LGBTQI+ friends and family, and that we can advance equality through storytelling, allyship, and conversation. We have a long way to go, but we’ll keep sharing our stories, and spreading education, until Ireland is a country which celebrates its LGBTQI+ community in all our diversity and strength.”

LGBTQ+ History Month: Queer History 101

February is #LGBTQHistoryMonth. To celebrate, we're releasing our Queer History 101 video!

Created by our volunteers and Thomas Heising of Beocht Images, the video gives an overview of LGBTQ+ history in Ireland and the broader world and is designed for use by schools.

Contact for your own copy and more LGBTQ+ history resources! 🎥 🏳️‍🌈

For more Irish LGBTQ+ history check out our Know Your Queer History interview series or book our NEW LGBTQ+ history workshop for workplaces - email

Coming out: A survival guide for young people

Figuring out your sexual orientation and/or gender identity is a life-long journey. If you feel you may be a part of the LGBTQ+ community here are some things to bear in mind when it comes to coming out. 

National Coming Out Day 3 (Blog Banner).png

1. You don’t have to come out 

You might feel a lot of pressure to come out, you might feel it’s something you have to do. But remember there is only one person you have to come out to, you. If you feel unsure or not ready then that’s absolutely fine! You must go on this journey at your own pace.

2. Find your person

If you decide now is the time to come out, have a think about who you might want to tell first. This person can be a friend, a family member, a teacher, or whoever you feel comfortable talking to. If you know someone is already out they might be a good person to talk to. 

3. Find your people

If you don’t feel like you have a person you can confide in, you can always find your ‘people’. There are plenty of online communities, support groups, and even instagram accounts and facebook pages, where you can find people who share your identity. Just remember to always keep yourself safe online.

4. Write it out

If you decide now is the time to come out, have a think about some of the following questions

  • What do you want the person to know? 

  • Do you want them to keep it between the two of you, or can they tell others?

  • Is there new language you want the person to use when referring to you, like a new name or pronouns? 

  • What type of response are you hoping to get? 

Writing these out may help you feel less nervous, and you can bring your writing with you so if you get flustered you can refer to it. 

5. Remember, a bad reaction is not a reflection of you! 

Unfortunately, not everyone is accepting of others and the person you come out to may have a bad reaction. That is their issue, not yours. Remember, there are support phone lines that you can call if this happens, you are not alone. 

6. When telling others, make sure you have support ready

If you decide to tell more people, be sure that the people who already know are on standby as support. 

7. Your identity may change with time, and that’s ok! 

You may come out and later find your identity has evolved, or a new word better describes your experience. That’s normal! Identity is fluid and there’s nothing wrong with changing with time. 

8. Be Proud 

Whether you’re out to everyone you know or just yourself; be proud of who you are. 

Asylum for Bisexual People

Recently in Ireland, a bi man was denied asylum on the basis that it was not believable that he was telling the truth about his bisexuality. Here we explore why decisions like these are made.

Copy of Asylum for bi+ people.png

During Bisexual Awareness week you’ll see a lot of purple, pink, and blue on your timeline, a lot of Bicons being celebrated, and a lot of discussion about Bi-erasure.

What is Bi-erasure? Bi-erasure is a term used to refer to the ways in which bi people, our lives, and our communities, are left out of the narrative. It can refer to individual people, for example, Angelina Jolie not being considered part of the LGBTQ+ community despite the fact that she’s been out as bisexual for years. Or it may refer to big movements leaving bisexual people out of messaging. For example, marriage equality being referred to as an issue only concerning lesbian and gay people. 

You may be thinking, “big deal!”, so some people think Angelina Jolie is straight, so what? And sometimes messages say lesbian and gay, but surely bisexual people know it includes them, right? 

Well, the problem is more insidious than that. Bisexual people have been systematically removed from LGBTQ+ discourse over the past several decades due to the need for a palatable and simple rights campaign. From both within and outside the LGBTQ+ community bisexual people and our lives can be seen as complicated, an unnecessary detail in a neat story people want to tell about gay rights. 

This has a huge impact on bisexual people. Studies show that bi people’s mental health is worse than their lesbian and gay counterparts. Bi folks may feel left out of queer spaces and not seen as “queer enough”. 

But the worst impact of Bi-erasure is for those seeking asylum. In many countries, you can seek asylum due to facing persecution in your home country on the grounds of your sexual orientation. However, time and time again we have seen bisexual people being denied asylum as their sexual orientation is seen as less legitimate or suspicious to those making the decision. 

Make no mistake; the lack of representation of bisexual people and the constant erasure of the bisexual experience is definitely contributing to these decisions. 

A man we will refer to as Mr. X claimed asylum in Ireland in 2016. He is from Nigeria and told the state that he faced persecution there for being bisexual. He was refused permission to remain in Ireland and a deportation order was issued. The Minister for Justice did not believe Mr X when he said he is bisexual. One of the reasons given by the Minister was the fact that Mr X did not go to gay bars in his first few months in Ireland. 

This particular justification for denying asylum - and for refusing to believe the fact of Mr X’s sexual orientation - is concerning for a number of reasons. This argument suggests that every LGBTQ+ person goes to gay bars when in reality the community is diverse in terms of identities, spaces, and social outlets. It also ignores some of the realities of Direct Provision in Ireland - that geographical isolation and a weekly stipend of €38.80 per adult make it very difficult for asylum seekers to visit gay bars in the first place. Not to mention the severe racism and exclusion issues within gay bars which would mean the safety of a Black, bisexual migrant is absolutely not guaranteed in these spaces. 

Although the judge presiding over his appeal was critical of the Minister’s claims, Mr X’s application was still denied

The Department of Justice also denied the application for Asylum from Constance, a healthcare worker from Zimbabwe. She was told she, “didn’t seem bisexual” and, despite risking her life as a front-line healthcare worker during a pandemic, was issued a deportation order.

In the UK, Orashia Edwards, who was seeking asylum, was referred to as “dishonest” by the judge. Edwards argued that he was treated unfairly because of misconceptions about bisexuality. Fortunately, Edwards eventually won his case after a long battle and will not be deported to Jamaica

This happens all over the world and these are not a few isolated cases. A paper looking at refugee law and policy in Canada, the US, and Australia, concluded that bisexuals are significantly less successful than other sexual minority groups in obtaining refugee status. The study also concluded that Bi-erasure is a significant factor accounting for these decisions. 

Differentiating bisexuality from more visible sexual minority groups like gay and lesbian is a process that happens nearly always to the detriment of bisexual people. On the smaller scale, this differentiation can come in the form of exclusion of bi people from “gay” spaces, and on the larger scale, this differentiation comes in the form of disbelief by a system of refugee decision-makers which can lead to very serious outcomes. 

Those who seek to punish anyone who is part of a sexual minority group through social exclusion, violence, and legislative discrimination are not interested in differentiating bisexuality. A bisexual person does not get a half-sentence in a country which criminalises homosexuality. 

So when it comes to discrimination aimed at ostensibly “gay” people, bisexuals are not shielded by their bi-ness, but when it comes to the protection for these groups bi people are often denied the protection that gay folks get. 

So what can you do? On a day-to-day level, you can call out biphobic comments when you hear them, celebrate bi visibility week, and be an ally to your bi friends. We must also campaign for better asylum protections for all individuals seeking protection by voting for the parties that will implement these changes. 

For more information about the experience of asylum seekers in Ireland please follow the Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI), and to find your Bi+ community check out Bi+ Ireland

ShoutOut 2021 Annual Report

We are so excited to share our 2021 Annual Report!

Over the past 12 months, we have delivered 390 LGBTQ+ Inclusion workshops in schools, workplaces, services, and to the public.

We cannot wait to reach even more people over the next year!

Click below to read!

The annual report is compiled by ShoutOut staff and board to provide an account of our activities for the year. Graphic design by Sarah Moloney.

Know Your Queer History


ShoutOut is proud to present a new video series to mark this year’s IDAHOBIT and Dublin PrideKnow Your Queer History, launching today, May 17th at 12pm, features interviews with 12 individuals who were all involved in different ways with the progression of LGBTQ+ equality in Ireland. 

Domhnaill Harkin, a member of the ShoutOut steering committee, pitched the idea of the interview series to ShoutOut in late 2020. Domhnaill has been a school workshop volunteer with the charity since 2018. Domhnaill comments; 

“I grew up in rural Donegal and due to the homophobic attitudes I experienced, I didnt come out until I was 23 in 2017. I became involved with ShoutOut not long after this as I wanted to ensure young people like me didn't suffer the way I did. I became interested in the history of the Irish gay rights movement and I noticed a lot of young LGBTQ+ people didnt know the history of how our rights were achieved and this is where the idea for the series came from.” 

The series is directed, edited, and produced by Mary-Claire Fitzpatrick, a videographer and RTÉ TV presenter who worked closely with Domhnaill to build a series of interviews with a number of leading activists and allies in the Irish queer movement. 

These interviews are an attempt to pay tribute to some of the remarkable activists who helped make Ireland a safer place for LGBTQ+ people. As young LGBTQ+ people living more freely today, we owe a debt to their hard work striving for social and legal equality. We hope that this series will help viewers understand a part of Irish history usually forgotten from the curriculum.

The 12 episodes explore the events that shaped and created the early LGBTQ+ rights movement from the 1970s onwards. By speaking first-hand to people who were the instigators and leaders of the movement we get an in-depth, personal account of major milestones from the Fairview Park protest march in 1983 to the Marriage Equality Referendum in 2015.

Interviewed over the course of the series are former Uachtarán na hÉireann Mary McAleese, Senator David Norris, Katherine Zappone, gender recognition campaigner Dr Lydia Foy, GLEN member and former political director of Yes Equality Tiernan Brady, TENI Chair Sara Phillips, director and historian Edmund Lynch, archivist and activist Tonie Walsh, activist and academic Ailbhe Smyth, Kieran Rose, former GLEN chair, Cathal Kerrigan, former member of the Cork Gay Collective and Gay Health Action, and Suzy Byrne, former GLEN member and GCN journalist. 

The 12 interviews will be released two per week, running throughout the month of June to mark the month of Dublin Pride. In the first episode, Domhnaill will interview former President of Ireland Mary McAleese. 

The interviews will be available to watch on ShoutOut’s Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram channels. 

The first episode of the series will be released on the 17th  May to mark The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Interphobia, and Biphobia

Attitudes of Secondary School Students in Ireland towards Intersex Issues

Last week we were delighted to present a small piece of research at the Intersex 2021 Conference held by Dublin City University. On a panel hosted by Ailbhe Smyth we discussed the findings from surveying ShoutOut volunteers about their experiences discussing Intersex issues in classrooms across Ireland.

The research was presented by Clara Barry; a ShoutOut volunteer and a board member of Intersex Ireland, and Bella FitzPatrick; CEO at ShoutOut

Image Description: The logo of Intersex Ireland set on a yellow background with a purple and yellow gradient logo.

Image Description: The logo of Intersex Ireland set on a yellow background with a purple and yellow gradient logo.

Firstly we wanted to clarify ShoutOut’s position around Intersex issues.

  • Not every Intersex person wants to be included under the LGBTQ+ umbrella

  • There are other human rights based approaches to advocating for Intersex rights which are not involved with LGBTQ+ rights

  • Intersex people can have intersecting identities 

  • When discussing themes around bodily autonomy, the right to self declaration, and bioessentialist gender norms it is important to recognise the existence of Intersex people

  • Intersex marginalisation is perpretrated as part of a system of white supremacy and colonalisation. 

  • The Irish curriculum does not address the existence of Intersex people and therefore our workshops may be the only opportunity to raise awareness

  • All of our material is written and/or reviewed by Intersex people

Image Description: Two flags against a blue sky, one is the rainbow pride flag with the ShoutOut logo in the middle, the other is the Intersex flag which is a purple circle on a yellow background

Image Description: Two flags against a blue sky, one is the rainbow pride flag with the ShoutOut logo in the middle, the other is the Intersex flag which is a purple circle on a yellow background

Our research looked into the experiences of ShoutOut volunteers when discussing the Intersex Community within the context of ShoutOut workshops.

We asked 49 volunteers about their experiences. The volunteers self-reported their awareness of Intersex issues as an average of 4.5 out of 10 before volunteering with ShoutOut. This rose to an average of 7.7 after volunteering with ShoutOut due to the training we provided.

Of all the identities we discuss in ShoutOut workshops, Intersex was reported to be one of the most difficult to communicate, similar to explaining non binary identities.

Intersex Research.PNG

ShoutOut volunteers reported that the reaction from students when learning about Intersex issues ranged from curious, confused, disbelieving and disrespectful. We concluded that contributing factors are lack of teachers’ knowledge, lack of representation on the curriculum, misconceptions, and a lack of positive visibility.

Furthermore, we noted a severe lack of resources for teachers who want to learn more and a lack of guidance from the Department of Education in this regard.

Our bodies are just another example that life is not so black and white. Much Beauty exists in the infinite shades of grey
— Kimberly M. Zieselman, author of XOXY

Want to learn more?







XOXY by Kimberly M. Zieselman

Sex Redefined in Nature

9 Young People on How They Found Out They Are Intersex in Teen Vogue

Our Blog on Intersex Allyship


Emily Quinn - The way we think about biological sex is wrong

Gonads - a podcast series by Radiolab

​B​​lag ShoutOut Seachtain na Gaeilge!

Lisa le baill eile de Tá Comhionannas, Siobhán Nic Gaoithín (clé) agus Emer Nic Dhiarmada

Lisa le baill eile de Tá Comhionannas, Siobhán Nic Gaoithín (clé) agus Emer Nic Dhiarmada

Comhphobal LADTA+ na Gaeilge – Fás, Forbairt, Pobal

le Lisa Nic an Bhreithimh

Chun ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar Sheachtain na Gaeilge, breathnaíonn Lisa Nic an Bhreithimh ónár bhfoireann deonach ar an méid a bhíonn i bpáirt ag pobal na Gaeilge agus an pobal LADTA+, gníomhaíocht agus feachtasaíocht LADTA+ trí Ghaeilge agus na daoine atá ag obair ar chomhphobal Gaeilge LADTA+ a fhorbairt agus a chothú.

In alt ar ghíomhaithe óga mná le déanaí san Irish Times, luaigh mé gurbh í an Ghaeilge an chúis gur thosaigh mé ag feachtasaíocht agus le gníomhaíocht LADTA+. I rith an Reifrinn ar an gcomhionannas pósta i 2015 thug grúpa dínn faoi deara go raibh cainteoirí Níl chun tosaigh ar chainteoirí Tá ar na meáin chumarsáide Gaeilge - a mhalairt den rud a bhí ag tarlú ar na meáin Béarla. Thuigeamar go raibh gá le grúpa láidir cainteoirí ar son vóta Tá le Gaeilge. Bhunaíomar Tá Comhionannas agus ina dhiaidh sin bhíomar ag labhairt ar na meáin Gaeilge gach seachtain go dtí an Reifreann ansin.

Ó shin i leith, measaim go bhfuil níos mó infheictheachta de dhaoine LADTA+ le Gaeilge agus go bhfuil muid ag plé cúrsaí LADTA+ trí Ghaeilge níos mó ná riamh.

Sheol Aontas Mac Léinn na hÉireann an Foclóir Aiteach sa bhliain 2018 - liosta téarmaí don phobal aiteach, agus don phobal araon, le labhairt faoina bhféiniúlachtaí, a ngnéaschlaonta agus iad féin ar iliomad bealaí trí Ghaeilge. Thug sé guth níos airde don phobal LADTA+ le Gaeilge a bhí anois in ann a saolta a phlé ar bhealach níos fearr agus níos soiléire trí Ghaeilge.

An Foclóir Aiteach.jpg

Rinneamar féin i ShoutOut focail Gaeilge LADTA+ a roinnt i rith na bliana seo caite mar chuid dár bhfeachtas ar líne "ShoutOut Focal a Day". Chuir an-chuid dár leantóirí spéis ann - iad siúd le beagán Gaeilge nó níos mó. Is minic a bhíonn an Ghaeilge, chomh maith lenár bhféiniúlachtaí mar dhaoine aiteacha, fite fuaite inár bhféiniúlachtaí mar Éireannaigh agus is mór ag go leor daoine na focail a bheith acu caint faoi bheith aiteach trí Ghaeilge.

Déanaimid ceardlanna Gaeilge ShoutOut i nGaelcholáistí timpeall na tíre go minic freisin. Ó mo thaithí féin á ndéanamh, faigheann na daltaí rud éagsúil astu ná na ceardlanna Béarla. Bíonn an plé éagsúil, úsáidtear focail éagsúla agus bíonn scoileanna an-sásta cainteoirí seachtracha le Gaeilge a bheith ar fáil dóibh. Ag labhairt faoi cheardlanna ShoutOut a dhéanamh trí Ghaeilge, dúirt duine dár noibrithe deonacha Liam Breathnach, "Tá sé fíorthábhachtach go mbeadh téarmaíocht maidir leis an bpobal aiteach san áireamh leis an eolas i gceardlanna ShoutOut do dhaoine óga. Tá an pobal aiteach mar chuid de phobal na Gaeilge agus ba mhór an buntáiste an t-ábhar a fhoghlaim ina dteanga féin. Is teanga bheo í an Ghaeilge agus taispeánann sé seo an dul chun cinn atá i gceist anseo." Má tá Gaeilge agat féin agus spéis leat ceardlanna a dhéanamh linn trí Ghaeilge ba bhreá linn cloisteáil uait. Seol rphost chuig chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil.


Sa bhliain 2018 bhunaigh Don Ó Donnacháin an Queercal Comhrá, grúpa sóisialta do dhaoine LADTA+ a labhraíonn an Ghaeilge agus bhí lámh aige in eagrú Bhród na nGael gach samhradh ó shin i leith. Bhuailidís le chéile in Outhouse ar dtús agus ansin i Jack Nealons. Anois tá Eoin McEvoy i mbun an grúpa a stiúradh agus bhíodh sé de nós ag an ngrúpa bualadh le chéile i gClub Chonradh na Gaeilge agus Penny Lane. Anois dár ndóigh tagann siad le chéile ar Zoom agus bíonn suas go 20 ar na glaonna. Ag caint faoin Queercal dúirt Eoin, 

"Tá baill againn sa Bhruiséil, i gCeanada, in Éirinn, sa Ghearmáin, i Lucsamburg, i Sasana agus sna Stáit Aontaithe. Bhíodh an grúpa ag bualadh le chéile i mBaile Átha Cliath roimh an bpaindéim ach is grúpa idirnáisiúnta anois é a bhíonn ag bualadh le chéile ar líne. Is gréasán de chuid Oireachtas na Gaeilge é an Queercal. Tá cuntas gníomhach Instagram againn leis an bpobal a chur ar an eolas faoi imeachtaí i saol LADTA+ na Gaeilge agus tá 950 leantóir ag an ngrúpa sin ó áiteanna sa Ghaeltacht, san iar-Ghaeltacht agus ar fud an domhain."

Tá fáilte roimh chách le Gaeilge bheith mar chuid den ghrúpa agus bualadh ag an Queercal ar líne anois agus duine le duine arís ar ball nuair is féidir. Beidh tráth na gceist ar siúl ag an Queercal ar an 5 Márta ar Zoom do Sheachtain na Gaeilge. Léigh tuilleadh faoin ngrúpa nó bí i dteagmháil leo ar Instagram anseo nó trí rphost chuig

Tráth na gCeist an Queercal Comhrá, Seachtain na Gaeilge 2021.jpg

Tá breis is 12,000 leantóirí ar na meáin shóisialta ag duine dár noibrithe deonacha ShoutOut, Cian Ó Gríofa, faoin ainm Gaylgeoirí ar a roineann sé méimeanna Ghaeilge, atá, ina chuid focal féin, “éadrom go leor”.

Dúirt Cian, maidir lena chuid oibre, "Ní raibh eiseamláirí aiteacha agam agus mé ag fás aníos — seachas na carachtair a cuireadh ann de ghrá na cosúlachta, agus na steiréitíopaí ar fad acu. Is féidir le duine ar bith a bheith ina thionchaire sa lá atá inniu ann áfach, agus ardán a chruthú do dhaoine a bhfuil suim nó taithí choiteann acu ar fud an domhain. Mar sin féin, bíonn ábhair a bhaineann le bród, gníomhachas agus féinghrá á bplé freisin. Tá sé tábhachtach dom an t-ardán a úsáid le spotsolas a thabhairt do dhaoine nár léiríodh a gcineál ar na meáin i gcónaí, agus iad a cheiliúradh! Is deis é Gaylgeoirí an ionadaíocht seo a dhéanamh ar son daoine óga aiteacha sa tír seo nach bhfuil féinmhuinín ná féinghrá acu go fóill. Feiceann siad go bhfuil tacaíocht ann dóibh, go bhfuil grá ag daoine do chúrsaí LADTA+ agus go mbeidh gach rud ceart go leor! Ní raibh sé sin agam agus mé níos óige, agus mar sin, sílim go bhfuil sé riachtanach an scéal seo a insint dóibh siúd atá ag streachailt lena bhféiniúlacht féin." Is féidir Gaylgeoirí a leanúint ar Instagram anseo.

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Bhunaigh Ciara Ní É agus Eoin McEvoy AerachAiteachGaelach (AAG) mí Feabhra na bliana seo caite - comharghrúpa LADTA+ ealaíne a bhfuil 50 ball LADTA+ ann, idir scríbhneoirí, cheoltóirí, dhrámadóirí, thaibheoirí draig agus ealaíontóirí a fheidhmíonn trí Ghaeilge. Is í sprioc AAG ná chun deiseanna forbartha, gréasán tacaíochta agus lucht éisteachta a chur ar fáil do na healaíontóirí le go gcoinneoidh siad orthu ag cumadh i nGaeilge agus le nach gcaillfear iad ar fad do shaol an Bhéarla. Cuireann an grúpa tacaíocht ar fáil do bhaill trí chruinnithe rialta a eagrú agus trí dheiseanna, comórtais, foilseacháin, glaonna oscailte agus nuacht na mball féin a roinnt leo. Ghnóthaigh an grúpa áit ar Scéim 5x5 de chuid Amharclann na Mainistreach i mí Feabhra 2020; fuarthas dhá choimisiún ar dhramaí ó Ceangal | Dolen (Ealaín na Gaeltachta); coimisiún ar dhráma ó Axis Ballymun; coimisiún ar dhráma raidió ó Fhíbín; duaiseanna ó chomórtas slamhfhilíochta Liú Lúnasa agus comórtas REIC; foilsíodh saothair in Comhar agus Green Carnations/Glas na Gile. Tá cuntas YouTube ag AerachAiteachGaelach, agus rinne siad físeán ealaíne do Bhród 2020.

Ag labhairt faoi AAG, dúirt Ciara í féin, “Threisigh AAG an nasc a bhraith mé leis an bpobal LADTA+. Tá éagsúlacht iontach sa ghrúpa, táimid leispiach, aerach, déghnéasach, tras, agus ní hamháin aiteach ach Gaelach! Tá an-luach ar an mbraithstint go bhfuil tú i measc do dhaoine, agus go bhfuil glacadh leat. Ón gcéad lá a tháinig grúpa AAG le chéile ba léir go raibh muid uilig sásta gurbh fhéidir linn dá thaobh mhionlaithe dínn féin a léiriú ag an am céanna. Le dhá bhliain anuas thug mé caint i nGaeilge ag Traenáil Bhándearg de chuid AMLÉ agus bhí mé an-sásta feiceáil go bhfuil glúin ag teacht in inmhe anois aiteach, Gaelach, agus mórtasach! Go maire siad!

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Is léir go bhfuil comhphobal láidir LADTA+ Gaeilge ag fás, ag forbairt agus ag leathnú amach ar bhealaí éagsúla, nuálaíocha trí na tionscnaimh agus na feachtais seo, agus roinnt eile nach iad. Guímid Seachtain na Gaeilge shona ar ár n-oibrithe deonacha agus leantóirí le Gaeilge! 

Má tá tuilleadh eolais ag teastáil uait faoi obair ShoutOut trí Ghaeilge, féach an chuid Gaeilge dár suíomh ag

Míle buíochas do Chian, d'Eoin, do Chiara agus do Liam as a gcuid cúnaimh leis an alt seo.