ShoutOut: Strategic Planning Tender

ShoutOut: Invitation to Tender

Strategic Plan 2024 - 2027

Introduction to ShoutOut:

ShoutOut’s Mission & Purpose:

To end the exclusion of LGBTQIA+ people.

Our charitable objectives/aims are to promote inclusion for LGBTQIA+ students in Irish schools and among young people in Ireland generally, to provide young people with knowledge about LGBTQIA+ issues, to help young people to understand the effects of homophobia and transphobia, to build awareness of how to support their LGBTQIA+ peers, and to promote inclusion and acceptance within Irish schools and Irish society.

Our values are education, inclusion, and allyship.

Key modes of delivering that Mission:

  • School Workshops

  • Other Youth Workshops

  • Capacity Building Workshops - service providers

  • Resource Development

  • Information Sharing - advocacy, sectoral campaigning, comms materials

ShoutOut is a registered charity committed to improving life for LGBTI+ people by sharing personal stories and providing educational programmes. We work with school students, teachers, youth workers, social workers, and workplaces on LGBTI+ issues.

We envision a culture which is accepting and celebratory of diversity, where no one is excluded based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual characteristics. ShoutOut is committed to providing a fair, equitable place of work for all our employees as well as the volunteers who give so generously of their time and expertise. 

ShoutOut started in 2012 as a group of friends who wanted to make a difference in their community by working with young people to promote LGBTI+ inclusion through educational workshops in secondary schools, with the goal of sparking empathy, promoting allyship, and combating homophobic and transphobic attitudes.

Since 2012 it has grown to offer these educational services to organisations in the public and private sector, providing training and resources to service providers, sporting bodies, and workplaces to foster improved LGBTI+ inclusion in those services and workplaces for clients and employees alike. 

The services provided by ShoutOut in secondary schools continue to be a core focus of the organisation’s charitable activities, primarily working directly with school students. We are the island of Ireland’s largest provider of secondary school workshops on LGBTI+ identities.  

ShoutOut also provides policy guidance and educational resources to organisations seeking to develop LGBTI+ inclusion in their services or workplace.

ShoutOut’s work is overseen by a voluntary Board of Directors, who manage and guide the staff team of three. ShoutOut’s staff, in turn, support a national network of volunteers and a voluntary Steering Committee to deliver educational activities and dedicated projects. 

Purpose and objective

This is ShoutOut’s first strategic planning process and represents an opportunity for the organisation to take stock of our work over the past decade, connect with our stakeholders, and plan effectively for our future. 
This process will work to develop the organisation’s vision by defining strategic priorities and goals which further our charitable mission and align to our organisational values. This process will also act to test and future-proof the organisation’s current vision and goals. 

The planning process will include an attempt to learn or engage with the relevant experience and thinking of other similar associations to help frame ShoutOut’s future and strengthen links for that future. 

An external consultant is sought to work closely with the Board of Directors and staff to design and undertake a review and consultation process, analyse findings, and produce an outcome document (a 3-year strategic plan). The successful tenderer (hereafter referred to as “the consultant”) may apply as an individual, or on behalf of a tendering organisation. 

The consultant will facilitate a review of ShoutOut’s achievements and challenges, and prospective opportunities for development as well as potential risks to the organisation’s future. They will lead the preparation and development of a comprehensive and concise 3 year strategic plan to commence 2024 - including the writing of same to final stage, taking into account feedback and suggested changes from ShoutOut.  

Please see tender document attached below.

How to submit a tender:

Enquiries should be directed to Ruadhán Ó Críodáin 

Tenders should be submitted by email to with ‘Strategic Plan Tender’ in the subject line. 

The Tender should be submitted include the following details: 

  • Technical proposal outlining the understanding of the ToR, the proposed approach to complete all deliverables within the scope, timeline and budget available; 

  • Financial proposal outlining the proposed costings to produce on the deliverables including consultant daily rate, travel, communications etc;

  • Cover letter summarising how the consultant experience meets the selection criteria;

  • Detailed curriculum vitae of the consultant/organisation’s strategic planning work to date, with specific reference to projects undertaken by the proposed personnel nominated for this tender; 

  • Two references from previous clients for whom the consultant/organisation has carried out similar work;

  • Examples of recent previous Strategic Plans developed.

  • Identification of any relevant conflicts of interest. 

The deadline for the receipt of tenders is 16th June 2023. Tenders that are delivered late will not be considered. The tendering organisation is fully responsible for safe and timely delivery of the tender. Confirmation that the tender holds good for twelve (12) calendar months after the closing date for receipt of tenders.

Grá agus Pobal - Lisa Nic An Bhreithimh | Glórtha Aiteacha / Queer Voices

Grá agus Pobal - Love and Community

by Lisa Nic an Bhreithimh (she/her)

Lisa Nic an Bhreithimh - she/her

I'm Lisa, I'm cisgender and bisexual and recently got engaged to marry my gorgeous girlfriend, Mo, who I met in 2019. I discovered my sexuality long after school, in my 20s and was lucky to have a "coming out" time full of joy and celebration with good friends. I worked with the Irish language group of the 2015 Yes Equality Referendum Campaign, 'Tá Comhionannas' and now volunteer on the Steering Committee of ShoutOut and the Awareness Team of Equality for Children.

Glórtha Aiteacha / Queer Voices is a publication from ShoutOut for young people on queer joy and resilience, featuring a range of queer contributors. This publication was supported by the Community Foundation for Ireland through the Bank of Ireland Begin Together Fund.

Glórtha Aiteacha \ Queer Voices is live!

This week we released Glórtha Aiteacha \ Queer Voices, a publication for young people on queer resilience, joy, and community! In the pages of this book, we’ve brought together LGBTQ+ writers and artists to share stories, reflections, and advice that they needed when they were growing up.

We want this book to reach as many people as possible! If you think your school, library, youth group, event or home would enjoy reading Glórtha Aiteacha, email and we’ll post it to you for free!

Glórtha Aiteacha \ Queer Voices is designed by Sarah Moloney and features contributions from Vickey Curtis, Matt Kennedy, Zainab Boladale, Dylan Kerr, Sasha de Buyl Pisco, Amy Lauren, Kip Alizadeh, Aoife Martin, James Hudson, Rachel Ní Bhraonáin and Lisa Nic an Bhreithimh.

Glórtha Aiteacha \ Queer Voices was developed with the support of the Community Foundation for Ireland through the Bank of Ireland Begin Together Fund.

ShoutOut is Recruiting to our Board of Directors!

We are recruiting to our Board of Directors! We’re seeking to grow our Board with two ordinary Directors and to recruit a Treasurer and Board Secretary. If you’re passionate about driving LGBTQ+ inclusion through education, we’d love to hear from you. ShoutOut’s Board is made up of energetic, dedicated queer folks and allies, who work to guide and support the charity’s staff and volunteers as we create inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ young people.

ShoutOut is governed by a board of Directors who meet every 6 weeks to provide oversight and support risk management for ShoutOut operations and growth, with an AGM in November and occasional strategy days and social events. Meetings have now returned to ‘in person’ in Dublin, with online attendance for those based outside Dublin.

Board Directors are also asked to serve on at least one subcommittee and attend meetings of that subcommittee. Board Directors may support ShoutOut staff, contributing from their areas of expertise. Board Directors are invited to attend any public ShoutOut events.

ShoutOut is currently seeking to recruit two Board Directors to support our growth.

We are particularly seeking to recruit Board Directors with expertise in:

  • Charity and company governance, including charity and company law

  • Finance (ideally with expertise in the charity sector)

  • Policy and advocacy

We’re also seeking to recruit a Treasurer with financial experience to provide financial oversight and expertise to the Charity, and a Board Secretary to support on the Board’s administrative functions.

The following are the functions of the Treasurer:

Financial oversight of the board:

  • Providing the board meetings with financial reports including income, expenditure, cash flow, reserve funds, and estimates for future expenditure;

  • Providing advice to the Board of Directors on all financial matters including procuring outside services;

  • Overseeing the preparation of annual accounts and financial reports to the board for the Charities Regulator and the CRO;

  • Convening the Finance and Audit (F&A) Committee for review and approval of financial actions.

  • Drafting and oversight of financial policies and procedures;

  • Advising the board on how to carry out its fiduciary responsibilities and on financial propriety.

  • Monitoring and advising on ShoutOut’s reserve funds.

Support to staff on finance functions:

  • Oversight of the ShoutOut quarterly and annual budget and financial performance;

  • Oversight of financial (e.g. cash management) and cost controls;

  • Monitoring the financial administration of ShoutOut;

  • Review of salaries and consultant fees;

  • Oversight on payroll with HR Committee;

  • Supporting external oversight and audit of ShoutOut accounts;

  • Providing oversight on ShoutOut’s expenditure and payment of expenses, particularly on the Executive Director's transactions and expenses.

The Treasurer role does not involve reimbursing volunteers for their expenses, nor does the role involve writing grant applications.

We welcome applications from all but would like to encourage applications by people from a diversity of national, ethnic or cultural groups (including, but not limited to, Asian, Black, Traveller and minority ethnic, refugees, people with disabilities, working-class and LGBTQIA+ people). If you’ve never served on a Board before, please consider submitting an application! 

This is an unremunerated role. Applications are accepted via Boardmatch or by contacting ShoutOut directly ( along with a recent CV and cover note explaining your interest in joining the Board at ShoutOut. If you have any questions and would like a conversation in confidence, email Ruadhán on

ShoutOut 2022 Annual Report

We are so excited to share our 2022 Annual Report!

Over the past 12 months, we have delivered 376 LGBTQ+ Inclusion workshops in schools, workplaces, services, and to the public.

We cannot wait to reach even more people over the next year!

Click below to read!

The annual report is compiled by ShoutOut staff and board to provide an account of our activities for the year. Graphic design by Sarah Moloney.

Please note: an updated version of this file was uploaded 15 December 2022 with corrections to figures published on pages 29-31 of the report following review by the staff team and Board.

World Teachers' Day 2022: LGBTQ+ Inclusion Resources for Teachers

Happy World Teachers’ Day 2022!

Today we’re celebrating all teachers who are working to build safer, more inclusive schools for LGBTQ+ students.

Teachers are dedicated allies to their LGBTQ+ students, changing lives every single day. To every teacher who’s looked out for a struggling student, stood up against homophobic or transphobic bullying, or promoted LGBTQ+ visibility in their school: We see you, we appreciate you, and we’re grateful. If you’re an LGBTQ+ teacher yourself, thank you for being a role model!

At ShoutOut, we’re always here to support teachers who are working to develop LGBTQ+ inclusion in their schools. We do this through student workshops, staff training, and by providing educational resources to schools. We also offer training to teachers in education through guest lectures and collaborations with partners including the TCD School of Education.

Read on for some of our favourite resources to share with students!

Can we help you develop an LGBTQ+ inclusive school?


ShoutOut Resources (click headings to download / access)

We’ve compiled a range of our resources below. If you’re looking for a specific resource to share with your students, or guidance around a particular topic relating to LGBTQ+ identity, get in touch and we’ll offer advice and help you find the right materials!

  1. Queer History 101 Lesson Pack - click here to download.

    This lesson pack can help you explore Irish and international LGBTQ+ history with your students in the classroom through quizzes and exploration tasks.

  2. Queer History 101 Video

    Use this video along with the above lesson pack to explore queer history in your classroom.

  3. ShoutOut Know Your Queer History

    In this series, ShoutOut volunteer Domhnaill Harkin interviewed Ireland’s leading LGBTQ+ activists and allies to understand LGBTQ+ equality and progress over the past 50 years.

  4. The ShoutOut Podcast

    ShoutOut’s volunteer-hosted and developed podcast explores LGBTQ+ YA fiction, history, culture, school volunteering, and much more!

  5. ShoutOut Terminology Guide

    Get up to speed with sensitive and accurate terminology for describing LGBTQ+ identities.

  6. ShoutOut Parents & Guardians Guide

    Our Parents & Guardians guide answers some of the questions parents & caregivers often ask when it comes to supporting their LGBTQ+ child.

  7. Achmhainní Gaeilge

    Roinnt achmhainní Gaeilge ag baint le gcursaí LADTA+.

  8. LGBTQ+ Inclusive Films & TV Shows

    A guide to films and TV shows suitable for all ages and available through common streaming services.

  9. Guide to Pronoun Inclusion

    In this guide we explain why we share our pronouns in email signatures and introductions, and how it can promote allyship for trans and non-binary people.

  10. LGBTQIAP+ Role Models Series

    Some of our volunteers and staff spoke to us about their Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Non-binary, Intersex, Asexual, and Pansexual role models.

  11. Intersex Awareness

    Guide discussions on intersex identity in the classroom with the help of our blog exploring intersex issues and allyship.

Resources from other organisations (click headings to download / access)

  1. INTO LGBT+ Teachers' Group

    Our friends at the INTO LGBT+ Teachers’ Group offer a range of resources for primary schools and younger students, as well as resources supporting inclusive staffroom environments for LGBTQ+ Teachers.

  2. Children’s Books Ireland - Pride Guide

    From Children’s Books Ireland, 100 LGBTQ+ inclusive reads for young readers aged 0-18, including a host of books by Irish writers!

Released: ShoutOut's LGBTQIA+ Parents & Guardians Guide

ShoutOut’s LGBTQIA+ Guide for Parents and Guardians is now available online as a free resource.

The guide has been designed to give parents and guardians - whether they have LGBTQIA+ children or not - information on terminology and how they can support LGBTQIA+ young people. This guide provides a rundown on different sexual orientations, gender identities and other relevant information about some of the issues and struggles LGBTQIA+ people still face.

Created by ShoutOut’s steering committee member Domhnaill Harkin and featuring contributions from Mary McAleese, Katherine Zappone, Dr Lydia Foy and ShoutOut’s Executive Director Aifric Ní Chríodáin

Often when a child comes out to their parents or guardians, even though they are welcomed with love and support, many parents and guardians have worries and anxieties as to what kind of life their child will have, many of which are unfounded. This guide aims to dispel some of these myths and to help parents and guardians understand more of what is going on in the life of an LGBTQIA+ young person. We hope this guide leads to many parents and guardians realising that their child will have a healthy and happy life, and a life that they can be a part of.

We hope this guide gives parents the knowledge and awareness they need on issues they may not be aware of, the confidence to talk about LGBTQIA+ identities with young people, and ways to build inclusive homes for young people of all identities.